Friday, September 13, 2019

Weekly Update Sept. 9-13

Dear Parents and Students,

This year, we’ll be using Khan Academy in class to personalize learning for all students!

Khan Academy is a free online resource that allows students to learn anytime, anywhere, with material that is uniquely appropriate for them.  Students can explore new topics and strengthen their math skills by using interactive practice and tutorials. As students learn, their activity feeds into reports that show important information such as strengths and weaknesses in a particular concept.  By using Khan Academy, I’ll be able to provide a more personalized learning experience for your child.

If your child is having trouble accessing their student account, please follow the instructions below:

This week we started discussing the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. Our class discussed how to be a proactive student. To be proactive means to take responsibility for your choices and behaviors.

Habit 1: Be Proactive, is the key to all of the other habits; that’s why it comes first. Be Proactive says “I am the leader of my own life. I am the leader for whether I’m happy or sad. I am the leader of how I react to other people or situations.”
Talk to your children about how they are the leader of taking care of themselves, taking care of their things, reacting/not reacting to other people’s comments, and planning ahead.
Expect your child to use words and phrases like choices, responsibility, proactive, and “stop and think” in their conversations this week. You can encourage your child by using some of this language at home.

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